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  • Writer's pictureXeo Lye

Capital Gains Studio launches Kaiju Exchange Board Game on Kickstarter

Explore how trading and international trade works in the real world through this captivating yet educational board game

Singapore, 6th November 2019 Capital Gains Studio is proud to announce the launch of the latest financial boardgame – Kaiju Exchange on Kickstarter. The game is inspired through the recent international trade issues and woes, which affected financial markets around the world and sent investors through a turbulent ride. The game is a partnership with Singapore Polytechnic, School of Media, Arts and Design to help develop and publish outstanding students designed tabletop project. Kaiju Exchange is expected to be launched on 4th November 2019 on Kickstarter, hoping to raise $12,888.

“This publisher/student collaboration is the first in Singapore for the tabletop industry and we hope that this will help raise awareness among budding game designers that tabletop design is a viable career path,” said Xeo Lye, CEO of Capital Gains Studio. “As of now, there is a lack of interest among the student population in pursuing a career tabletop game design and we hope that this collaboration will help to let students understand more about the development of tabletop games and the potential that this industry holds.”

The tabletop hobby enjoyed a sharp resurgence in recent years, especially in the US and Europe and the tabletop industry is expected to be worth more than $12 billion dollars by 2023. In Singapore, there is also an uptake in the demand for tabletop games and the industry has seen an influx of new designers and publishers in the past few years. Singaporeans are also one of the top backers in Asia when it comes to boardgames listed on crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter. The growth of the tabletop industry in Asia has been tremendous in the past few years, with more and more titles being launched annually at Internationale Spieltage, the world’s largest tabletop trade show in Germany, reflecting the rising demand of tabletop games.

Singapore needs to increase the number of experienced tabletop designers and artists, to compete on an international level to produce high quality titles and the partnership between Capital Gains Studio and Singapore Polytechnic hopes to achieve that.

About Kaiju Exchange Kaiju Exchange takes place in the shared universe of the other titles launched by Capital Gains Studio, where the monsters that have been terrorizing the world in <<Debtzilla>> have been defeated and they have fallen into a slumber. Scientists have discovered that the monster biomass is extremely valuable and the nations rush to harvest the biomass of these monsters, hoping to gain an edge in the next technological age and achieve a global economic dominance. As a result of the scarcity of these biomass, a trade war erupts as players try to get their hands on these biomass and the player who can achieve the most money, influence and monopoly wins the game.

One of the unique mechanics of the game is the use of an automaton player which will simulate as the extra player with its own winning condition. Players can ally with the automaton and achieve a joint victory should the automaton is close to winning the game.

The project development of Kaiju Exchange is led by Steve Ng, the lead designer for Capital Gains Studio, who also designed the award-winning Cryptocurrency board game.

Who Is This Game For

Against the backdrop of current turbulent international trade issues and woes, Kaiju Exchange is a light family game that aims to illustrate the economic theories of the father of economics, Adam Smith. Kaiju Exchange brings you through the world of trading, international trade, negotiation, protectionism and diplomacy. It is for 2 to 4 players, suitable for players age 10 and above. It takes approximately 30-60 minutes to complete the game.

Kickstarter on 6th Nov 2019

Slated for launch on the popular crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on 6th November 2019, Kaiju Exchange hopes to raise $12,888 to cover the design and manufacturing expenses. CGS also plans to give away 300 free customised 8-sided dice for the first 300 backers during the Kickstarter campaign.

Kaiju Exchange also comes in a collectible edition, for players who want a more immersive gaming experience. It features a stylish Banana Tower dice tower; a set of exquisitely designed metal coins; a world’s first – Debtzilla plushie as first player marker as well as a collector’s edition box.

About Capital Gains Studio Pte. Limited

We are a Singapore-based game design and publisher on a mission to inspire learning through high-quality table-top games. We also help institutions to design tabletop games for their training, marketing and engagement needs. Driven by our principles of fun, social interaction and education, we crack our brains to blend psychology, educational principles and humour to create table-top games which are simple to learn, with a high level of re-playability. Our games are also regularly used by educators to facilitate learning in workshops and classrooms.

Our published games include Wongamania, Wongamania: Banana Economy, Debtzilla and Cryptocurrency. The games are distributed in major retailers and online stores around the world. We design financial games that reflect the real financial world and our games are also regularly used by educators to facilitate learning in workshops and classrooms.


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